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This is a cue sheet for the Courir pour une fleur (10km/20km) Running / Walking Route. You can print it out for later use.

Cumulative Distance Where Notes Direction Elevation
2.2km 2.2km First hill - the easy one SW 225° 0m
2.6km 0.4km Now in seriously rich territory ENE 60° 0m
6.4km 3.8km Views of Vieux Antibes from here W 260° 0m
7.1km 0.7km The 2nd nastier hill begins SW 213° 0m
7.9km 0.8km Masochists may go left up to the lighthouse here for an extra bit of hill SSW 198° 0m
9.9km 2km 20 km runners now turn left and repeat NW 305° 0m
9.9km 0km The end NW 305° 0m